Tuesday, March 25, 2008

OMG..same color!!!

"OH MY GOD..!!Bhav U wearing RED color shirt too". I just realise dat when me, Bhav, Aliah, Shashu, Midotz, n, Ros jalan nk ke terminal. When i was changing to get ready to go to class I dah realise yg Me and Aliah wearing same color shirt. Tapi cam biase je la. Ape salahnyer pon. Semangat keBILIKan yg tinggi perlu dipupuk and disemai di dalam jiwa. Masa nak pegi makan Bhav plak complaining about our dress code. Dier marah plak I, Aliah and Shashu pkai color same. Without realising yg dier pon pkai merah gak. Hehe.. Bak kata pepatah melayu

"cakap siang pandang-pandang, cakap malam dengar-dengar"

eh..btol ker??lebih kurang la tuh. While we were laughing and walking to terminal ade plak orang parking SAVVY merah just in front of us. So ape lagi..The camerafobia groups yang pantang jumpa camera pon snap a picture. I really like d pic coz it is RED in color..RED DEVIL..MAN UTD!!!

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